1. Griffin Xu. Double major in Communication Design and Marketing. Junior
  2. I'm from Shanghai, China and I'm interested in working in the marketing and advertising area. I'm taking this class because I want to gain skills regarding website and app development, which hopefully will further my understanding in design.
  3. I don't have any experience with HTML/CSS/JS.
  4. I look forward to learning how to code my own website.
  5. Designing for screen will be more interactive when the audience is displayed to a site with much more engaging experience than designing for paper.
  6. https://www.mikiyakobayashi.com I like this website's design because it first starts with this designer's projects which really speaks to me that leads me to have a first impression on his work rather than his profile. I can also tell that the designer who showcases his work in this way is a confident designer as he believes his work can represent himself. In addition, I personally like the layout as he hits audience with his massive amount of works but organized them in a neat way that I won't feel overwhilmed.
  7. https://www.ideo.com/ I enjoy reading Ideo's website because it functions more than just a company's official website as it includes information and news that are relevant to the design world, but are clearly designed in a way that these information won't conflict with company's information while showing me how the company also relies on these content. Therefore this website is a good example of effective communication.
  8. https://www.google.com/ Google is my favorite searching engine because the site is so clean and user-friendly yet with thoughtful details. Besides being a powerful searching website, it also has Google store tab, gmail, google image and more menus for people to eadily navigate.The I'm Feeling Lucky tab is a good add-on as a little fun part for users to play with and all of these elements work well together.